Zahra - the enigma in my life

 Zahra - the enigma in my life

For Zahra::::

Whenever you get to read this♥️

Its not even been a week

But already I am missing

A piece of my heart.

Every thing I touch

Your books, your gym bag

Your big black water bottle

Reminds me of you.

My free spirited girl

Who totally bowls us over


With her naughty ways

And kind heart.

Your messy room

With clothes all over

But the art stuff so neatly organised

Your sport medals and trophies

Every memento reminds me of your happy eyes 

As you ran for tournaments

Or spent hours sketching 

On your digital tab.

I touch your pillow

Your comforter

I smell your lovely floral fragrance

That emits from your drawers

And get transported into those little happy moments 

That you spent with me.

Your agonised look as I talked to you about school

Your happy laughter as you made fun of my clumsy ways

Your quickly changing the music when you knew which  songs I liked

Your instructions to me on the way I drive.

Your every little word of love

Of anger, of kindness, 

Of rebellion, of understanding 

Of frustration or of admiration 

Of admission of your mistakes

Or pointing out mine

Each mono syllabic reply 

To my tiring queries

Come back to me and make me want more.

But time must go on

And fly you must

Away as you are

But closest to me heart and mind

As I close my eyes and think

Of my lovely curly haired girl

With a mind of her own

And an attitude to match!


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